There are only two ways to get to Dillingham : By water, or by air. Logically, it follows if you want to get out of Dillingham, you must go out the same way. So here are few pictures of what it looks like to get out of Dillingham by air.
This is the Dillingham Airport. No, really. |
This is what it looks like to walk out to the plane. Note the baggage loading on the right.
Preparing to taxi. |
Breaking through the clouds and fog. |
They always want me to sit on the wing. Not good for pictures, good if you want a big, strong guy to get you out in an emergency situation. |
In winter, this is pretty much all you see while going to Anchorage or coming back. |
Ted Stevens Airport in Anchorage. A little bit of an upgrade from Dillingham. |
Looking out at the mountains in the background from the main terminal of Ted Stevens Airport in Anchorage. |