Friday, June 13, 2014

Amazon's Game Changer

Ok, I have to admit I am impressed.

Amazon introduced a real game changer called Amazon Prime Music. If you have an Amazon Prime account, the promise is simple : about 1, 000, 000 songs you can listen to for free. As in free beer. As in ad-free. The kicker : you can download the music to your smartphone or tablet to listen to it offline (for when you have no internet connection).

There are, of course, some restrictions : four devices total per Prime account. Only one can stream or download at a time. If you try to stream from two devices using one account, Amazon simply asks what device you want to cut off.

This would be fantastic - one could almost say nearly perfect - for listening to music... except for the pathetically small data caps we have here in Dillingham. If we didn't have caps here, I would probably have already filled up the memory in my iPhone with songs I want to hear.

Even so... Apple is in real trouble here. They are going to have to come up with something to counter. I am thinking an iCloud subscription service for backup / data storage / music would flatten Amazon. I guess we will have to wait and see what the future holds.