Saturday, October 13, 2012

Tote that Bale

All I can say is I am glad the queen is finally happy. She had been stalking her prey for a while, and the USPS finally delivered up the carcasses.

I speak, of course, about Fiesta Dinnerware.

The queen ordered said carcasses during the Great Hunt of 2012 detailed in an earlier posting. The USPS notified us we had a package and take a great big, wild guess who had to schlep said dead weight back to the Huntress' lair?

Me? I would have been happy with paper plates. Oh, no! If we are to establish a proper lair it will have proper dishes, lest the Huntress be thought a slovenly housekeeper. Can't have that sort of talk running around loose, now can we?

So I schlepped the lead weights dishes back from the post office. All 2,000 50 pounds worth. For four blocks. In a blinding snowstorm. Uphill, both ways!

Well, it felt like it. :-)

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