Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Looking at Dillingham

Before we get to Dillingham proper, we have to address a request from the good wife, which is to be shared with the people she worked with in the Moline, Illinois Wal-Mart :

That is the view from the entrance / exit at one of the Anchorage, Alaska Wal-Marts. Donna wanted to know why she couldn't have this view every day coming out of the Moline store. Well, all it would take is some tectonic shifting and volcanic activity and we could. The store might no longer exist, but sometimes you have to break a few eggs...

Ok, now on to Dillingham itself :

This is about as rural as rural gets in America. While there is a strong police presence here, in many respects it is still very much the Wild West. Just replace the horses with fish, and deserts with tundra, and it pretty much fits. There is an unspoken code here that I didn't know until this morning. I was getting in a morning walk, on a stretch of road that sees maybe a dozen cars a day, and a pickup flying down the highway screeches to a halt on the rain-slick road. The driver cranks down the window and asks me if I am doing this intentionally.

Wait... what?

"Are you out here intentionally?" The man looks at me like I am about half nuts. Ok, I will admit it was drizzling at that point, but more like a mist than a drizzle. I said that I was doing this intentionally, as I wanted to get some exercise before reporting for work.

"Ok, then! Have a good day!" Up went the window, and off sped the truck. I found out later, from my boss, that anytime you spot someone out alone, even in summer you STOP and check on them. People have been known to wander off as a means of committing suicide, especially in winter.

Education received Lima Charlie. The thought had never even crossed my mind, but I will keep a keen eye out from this point on.

I will try to make my way to Bristol Bay itself and see if I can grab some pictures. I hear it is quite beautiful at sunset and sunrise, but finding a ride there at those hours may not be doable. Updating here will also be irregular as trying to get an internet signal anywhere but at work is not going to happen.

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