We had a couple of free hours, so we decided to run up to
Lake Aleknagik. As you can see by the link, Aleknagik is a
Yupik word meaning "wrong way home". I have to say, however, what a way to go :
And that is just one of the many smaller lakes surrounding Aleknagik proper. Screw Minnesota. THIS is the land of lakes. Now THIS is a lake :
Oh. My. God. What beauty thou hast wrought here. The camera can scarcely do it justice. But then the quasi-religious experience was shattered by man :
I have never seen a float plane land before. This one was here to grab supplies to take to a hunting party, staying God-knows-where around here. Just when I was almost fully in the throes of an aviation geek-gasm, the smaller of the two took off :
That was so freaking cool ! The only possible way for that to have been any better was for it to have been a
P-51D Mustang on floats. Ok, but just so you know : yes, the water was even more of a deep, rich blue than in the pictures. It was pure liquid indigo. Once you got to the shoreline, you could see the bottom a good 100 feet or more out. I have no doubt you could probably see to the bottom a good piece out in those planes.
Ok, Santa : Change of plans. Screw Apple. One boat, about 40 HP motor and a trailer if you please.
This will give you an idea of where we were. It will give you an idea of the size of Wood-Tikchik, too. |
Sadly, some people are as stupid with bears as they are walking around the mall. |
I don't know what it is, but it sure looked weird. |
I can't wait for another sunny day to run up to Lake Aleknagik again. That was so much pure, undistilled awesome it was beyond belief.