Friday, August 17, 2012

On Shipping

Ok, so about half of our stuff we shipped via the US Post Office shortly before we boarded the plane showed up yesterday. Based on our experiences I have a few suggestions for those who may be thinking about moving to Dillingham :

1. A new motto for the Postal Service : Neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow will stop us from beating the holy living hell out of your possessions.

2. No matter how much padding you think you have protecting your items, double it.

3. Double it again.

4. No, seriously. Double it again.

5. Make sure the shipping container is light as a feather, but at least 10 times the tensile strength of titanium. I am pretty sure titanium would just be seen as a temptation to the Postal Service.

6. Lower your expectations of when you think your things will arrive. Now lower them again. Now cut them in half.

7. Cut them in half again.

8. Can your expectations still be measured? Then they are way too high.

9. Never, ever ship anything which has the slightest possibility of breaking. Again, this is a temptation to the postal service. Only ship blocks of sturdy metals like steel, iron, or titanium.

10. Realize that no matter what you do, steps 2 through 10 will never, ever be enough to ensure your items arrive unmolested.

11. Be prepared to mortgage your house (or take out a second) to receive the above "service". I say cut out the middleman and just beat the holy living hell out of your own crap and take all the fun out of it for the Post Office before you ship it.

UPDATE : I should note the above does not mean to include the staff at the Post Office in Dillingham. They are all consummate professionals, and are a true credit to the Postal Service. It is the handlers in transit between Iowa and Dillingham who should be ashamed of themselves.


  1. Did you get your computer in one piece?

  2. Yes. I am typing this on it. They Post Office handlers gave it a shot that left a mark on the metal base, but it is working.
