Monday, August 6, 2012


The End of the Road. We live right by this.

You bought it... $20 million in Stimulus money!

What we get to see every morning

Judicial Power... or at least the windmill which powers the courthouse.

These pictures were probably transmitted by these dishes.

Dillingham is all about the fishing

A rare photo of "Slowpoke" actually being ahead of me while walking.

And this is actually one of the baby mountains around here. 

Don't know what it is, but Donna pestered me to take a picture of it.

Sunrise in Dillingham.


  1. It looks really pretty there. I hope you guys are having a good time. That's cool that Dilingham is all about fishing. I would like to see pics of the fish they catch around there if you get a chance. Jodi and I are relaxing and having movie night.
    Love, Keith Crawford

  2. The season is pretty much done here for the year, but I will see what I can do.

  3. Thanks for taking a picture of that caterpillar mom pestered you to take a picture of. She was telling me about them on the phone the other day! =] Like mother, like daughter I suppose, but I'm glad to get to see the fuzzy little critter.
