Some people wanted a tour of Dillingham, and while I cannot (yet) upload a video of a tour, I can take a few pictures. So here you go, in no particular order :
Views of the Middle / High School |
The University of Alaska, Fairbanks - Bristol Bay Campus |
Dillingham's only bank, and one of two national brands here. |
NAPA, of course, being the other. |
The local hardware store. Look close and you will see the McCain / Palin sign by the main entrance. |
Two views looking down the main drag. |
The Dillingham Post Office, aka Alaska's version of Facebook. |
The Dillingham Library and Sam Fox Museum |
The Public Safety / DMV / Jail building. |
The Public hockey rink. Face it, what town is complete without one of these? |
Neqleq Variety Store. Think of it as Dalton Humphrey's Everything Store. |
The Public Used Vehicle Lot, on the grounds of the Public Hockey Rink. Makes sense to me. |
Bristol Express. The town's one and only convenience store. Because two blocks away is just too far to walk to get to a grocery store. |
Dillingham's Fire Department |
AC. One of two grocery stores. |
N & N. The other grocery store. |
The Muddy Rudder. I know you are thinking it's a hell of a name for a bar. And you would be wrong. This is a restaurant. |
Arctic Chiropractic. |
City Hall |
Dillingham Hotel |
The Dillingham Nursing Home |
The Dillingham Water Tower. We hope to be able to afford the top of it some day. ;-) |
The... not city, not county Courthouse |
Another view of the Dillingham Schools Middle / High School |
Low tide. During high tide add about 20 feet of water to this. |
Last, but not least, the Thai Inn. Where the menu consists exclusively of the finest Mexican cuisine. Yep. A Thai restaurant that serves only Mexican. I don't make the rules, folks, I just do the reporting of them.
To your left of the main building is where our apartment is. We should be moving in Saturday. |
Thanks for the pictures