Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Mythical Bigfoot

So we made a run to the neigh-upon-legendary Bigfoot store this morning. Ok, it's no Fred Meyer, but for Dillingham, it's actually pretty spectacular.

That's the building entrance. It's a pretty vanilla, non-descript steel building. Not much in the way of signage, but then again - it doesn't have to be. The outside isn't going to win any architectural contests, but it's what's inside that sets out to impress.

In not a great deal of space, somehow nearly everything you need to survive is here. There are few luxuries thrown in, of course. But if you need it to keep living, it's there in about 4,000 square feet. I can't imagine what it would cost to heat that in winter, but the locals tell me this is the second year of operation for Bigfoot, so I assume the owner(s) have it sorted out.

There is the Queen holding court. See that gi-normous satchel in the cart? That's what we euphemistically call a 'purse'. Trust me - on the inside that sucker must be miles wide for all that gets crammed into it.

Here's the true power of Bigfoot. Unless I miss my guess, the owner(s) take a trip into Anchorage a few times a year and load up those shipping containers and bring back the merchandise that way. Talk about buying in bulk! Between the shipping containers and the warehouse(s), they should be able to sock quite a bit away between trips. But how do they get the containers from the docks to the store? This :

We cut out the middleman, so you don't have to! Actually, I am kind of impressed for the nice little vertical solution to this market dilemma. They literally do everything in brining the products to the shelves, and have a decent depth and breadth to the selection. Now I know why the locals are all gaga over Bigfoot. For the middle of nowhere and then some, it really is impressive what they have done.

So if you are ever in Dillingham, Don't forget to stop by Bigfoot. Open seven days a week for your shopping convenience!

1 comment:

  1. Well now I know Big Foot is real. Watch out for moose and bears guys! Jodi starts at CDS tommorrow!! I'm working at the Rusty Nail on Locust cooking. Miss you mom!!! I hope you two aren't too bored out there in the middle of nowhere. Love, Keith and Jodi
